I am Towa penguin!!

It's Setsubun today!
We eat ehoumaki on Setsubun.
Setsubun is the end of winter in the old calender,which is on February 3rd.
We have Setsubun ceremony.
In this ceremony,we always say"demon is out, come on luck"
as you throw soy beans toward the front door.
It means to make bad luck go away and welcome the good luck.
Ehoumaki is said to be a good item to welcome a good luck.
Ehoumaki is a big sushi role.
We eat this sushi as you face towards the best direction.
This direction changes every year.
The East-NorthEast is the best direction for this year.
So,I upload mamy videos to our Japanese blog for "You tube."
You can watch our family!
http://tsuiteruogurayama.blog81.fc2.com/Thank you!