The temparture here is -10℃(7Fahrenheit)
I look forward to reading the thermometer every morning.
What degreee is it today?
Whenever I looked at our car, I remembered the movie, of "Back to the future".
Have you seen this movie ?
Do you remember the scene when the time-machine appeared from the truck? The car looks frozon
I can see crystal on the window of the car.
I give my dog some water every evening, the water become ice by the morning!!
That is how cold it is here!!
You can write very well. Omedeto!!
The snow on the car window looked beautiful, like Chrismas decorations.
Here's wishing you and your family a happy 2009. May we meet again.
Cheryl aka tan-tan
Thank you tan-tan!!
How's going?
I admire tantan for your Japnaese!!
We can see beautiful scene every morning!!
I am very happy!!
Yeah!! We meet again!
Come on Golden wwoofers!
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